The outreach event of the 2017 MUSE General Meeting was organised at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, with a focus on one of the detector of the Mu2e experiment, the electromagnetic calorimeter. Half day training lessons have been delivered on May 15th, with a general introduction of the experiment followed by two seminars on the technology used for the detector:
F. Happacher “The Mu2e Experiment at Fermilab”
S. Giovannella “Scintillating Crystals”
I. Sarra “Silicon PhotoMultipliers”
On May 17th, a group of students from Tor Vergata University was invited to the Frascati National Laboratory of INFN to carry on hands-on experiments. Two short presentations on the planned laboratory experiences were delivered by the tutors of the activities:
R. Donghia “Crystal Test”
E. Diociaiuti “Mu2e SiPMs test”
Students have been divided in two groups to perform alternatively measurements of crystals and silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) properties. The first experience consisted on the comparison of the light yield and of the longitudinal response uniformity of pure CsI and BaF2 crystals. In the other experiment, the students have measured the I-V curve for not irradiated and irradiated SiPMs at different temperatures.