The Project Coordinator is responsible for the day-to-day management and coordination of the MUSE project and is the contact person with the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission.
The management support team assists the project coordinator in financial and administration matters and in the development of the web site.
The MB is responsible for the administrative activities and provides the means to operate the project efficiently. It is responsible for the revision and the authorization of the secondments, the organization of the general meetings, the monitoring of progress towards the completion of deliverables. Moreover, it has to guarantee the maximization of the knowledge sharing among the involved institutions, equal opportunity for all participants and the visibility of the project.
The Scientific Board is responsible for the coordination of the network activities, the planning and supervision of the secondments, the monitoring of the progress of the scientific programme.
The network activities are organized in seven Work Packages. Each of them has two coordinators, which ensure the effective cooperation between the participants, monitor progress of the work and review milestones and deliverables.