The outreach session connected to the 2016 MUSE General Meeting has been organised the same day of the 2016 edition of the “European Researchers’ Night”. The target audience has been University students, with two seminars on the experiments of the Muon Campus:
D. Glenzinski (Fermilab), “A Rare Opportunity – The Mu2e Experiment at Fermilab”
Abstract – Quarks and neutrinos are known to change flavors, but what about the charged leptons? The proposed Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will offer a sensitivity to charged-lepton flavor violating processes four orders of magnitude better than anything to have come before it. This extraordinary improvement in sensitivity will give Mu2e significant discovery potential over a wide range of new physics models. Moreover, Mu2e probes for this new physics in a manner complementary to the rest of the world’s HEP physics program at effective mass scales up to 10,000 TeV. The physics motivations, design sensitivity, and status of the Mu2e experiment will be presented.
F. Bedeschi (INFN Pisa), “The Muon g-2 Experiment”
Abstract – For many years the last measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment at BNL has stirred significant interest in the whole HEP community due to a ~3 standard deviation discrepancy between the experimental result and the Standard Model prediction. This new experiment will reduce the experimental resolution by a factor larger than four taking the final accuracy to less than 0.15 part per million. Several major improvements are needed in the generation of clean intense muon beams and the control of several systematic errors. Assuming a realistic improvement in the theoretical accuracy the effect observed at BNL could be boosted up to eight standard deviations with this experiment thus giving a strong evidence for new physics in the TeV scale.
The outreach session was concluded with two talks by two participants of the 2016 edition of the Fermilab Summer Student program, describing their stage experience:
G. Taddei “My experience as FNAL summer student”
I. Naranjo De Candido “Fermilab Summer Students 2016”